Thursday, November 4, 2010

It's been almost a year since we moved out of our trailer and we're feeling pretty settled into "the big house" as Stella calls it. The view here is good, the vibe is cozy and the combined effects of a cross country move, cancer, and parenting have taught us a great deal of appreciation for the space we have and the time we have in it.
This blog site was easy to keep up to date when we were living more adventurously. Putting a dramatic spin on things helped gloss over the difficulties of leaving all of our friends and family and trying to find our feet somewhere new. Lately there hasn't been much to tell and I'm real okay with that. I'm ready to settle in here for a bit until adventure starts throwing rocks at our bedroom window again.

So with that in mind, I'm gonna sign off. I've enjoying writing and it always warms my heart to think that people take the time to check in, but this was supposed to be a record of our attempt to have an adventure and it's stretched well beyond that.
Love from here.


  1. It's been a pleasure to read from you; I've always enjoyed your writing. I trust that you will continue expressing yourself in your own Josh way, whether online, in writing, or in the many other facets that are Josh creativity. I'll be among the first in line to read if/when you choose to publish again.


  2. Oh, no! But I love reading your blog so much! I suppose from now on, I'll actually have to call to see how you all are doing. But calling won't show me stunning pictures!!!
