Friday, November 27, 2009

some adaptations for small-space livin'...

The reusable grocery bags that are hip these days; we keep four or five of them floating around the trailer, tipi, van and car. They help to keep the right stuff in the right place at the right time. Heading to go hiking with a baby followed by a run to the recycling center and post office takes about three bags. Going to the gym can usually be accomplished with one bag only. Weekend camping takes all the bags and a couple of armloads; the main idea being to minimize the amount of muddy trips between the van, tipi, and trailer.

House-cleaning is no longer an episodic activity. Cleaning a 75 sq ft space in the middle of the world's largest mud puddle while 5 mammals come and go with their individual agendas is a bit futile. Stemming the tide and occasionally beating back a hairball or pawprint is the best we can hope for. Cleaning is now a continual process and the trailer exists variably in state between mostly clean and filthier than a leprous hyena at a tractor pull.

Incense and humor are indispensable to the physical and psychic ambiance. Too little of either and there's a stink or a stink-eye in the air.

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