Tuesday, May 5, 2009

thank gourd for tiff's med school friends; we haven't paid for a meal in two days. Brandy and Delan hooked us up with a much needed shower and a brief tour of statesboro GA, at least all of the parts between their house and the mexican restaurant anyway. After dinner I asked Delan what he had to do the next day and his response: "I may or may not being doing surgery". i appreciate this zen approach to patient care. Cheers to Brandy for hanging out with us the ngiht before finals and hooking us up w/ the first piece in our new airstream art collection.
stella checks out the beach from the van in her new swimsuit.
many were the hot chicks in my van at the beach
back on the road; we're headed to orlando today hopefully to meet up with my cousin mike and his family. happy birthday to my friend Barry. If i had any battery left i'd write him a poem and give him what he's ode.


  1. the road-trippin adventure begins!
    and happy birthday, Barry! cheers w/ yer favorite beer.

  2. love the suit, stella! and anjali loves the hand me down dead bear-turtle onesie. : )
